版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本
Before you install this application, We would like you to read the following to clearly understand what this application is meant for.
While all job platforms ask for commissions, we are trying to build a new community in the client-freelancer market place. This application if for 2 types of peoples,
1.Clients who looking for some jobs to get done or looking for full-time workers
2.Freelancers who are looking for part time jobs or full-time jobs
A.For Clients
Clients can post jobs on this application and without paying anything as commission to mediators. They can post, edit or delete their job posts. A lot of talents installed this application will be getting the real-time notification about your job post and your inbox will ping with the best talent within your budget. Spend money in the right way.
B.For Freelancers
Freelancers will get real-time notifications when a new job post is available from a client. They can directly contact the client and the budget you agree will be the final money in your pocket without spending any commission like other third-party job providers.Get great jobs done and earn money.
As we are just introducing this application very first to store and clients and freelancers are just started IN, You might not see a job post all on a sudden. But wait for a few days and we promise your phone will start ping you for jobs.